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CA Leads the Nation in Chargers
As the popularity of electric vehicles soars, EV charging stations are popping up everywhere and EV’s are on the rise in the U.S. California, Florida, New York, Massachusetts, Washington, and Colorado are the top states for EVs Washington D.C. has the closest chargers per mileage ratio, but California, despite its 175,000 miles of roadways, comes

Celebrating Earth Day Where It Began – in California
We love that we get to celebrate Earth Day in California and there’s plenty to celebrate! California is first in climate change policy and is the country’s leader in electric vehicle ownership and EV infrastructure, while Los Angeles is going the extra mile for energy efficiency. The first Earth Day was April 22, 1970, and

Thinking about buying an EV? Rent One by the Hour!
Electric vehicles (EV’s) are everywhere these days. In the news and online, we hear about EVs- how they are a great part of environmental initiatives, the new go-to due to rising gas prices, and how they’re cool and high tech. According to IEA online, “Sales of electric cars topped 2.1 million globally in 2019, surpassing

10 Easy Green Living Tips You Can Do Today
Happy April! With Earth Day around the corner, sustainability is on all our minds. If you find yourself interested in being more environmentally friendly, but not sure where to start- this blog is for you! It doesn’t take a lot of money, time, or energy to go greener every day. Try these ten tips to

How Long Does It Take to Re-Charge with a Blink Charger?
Thinking about renting a Blink Mobility electric vehicle, but concerned about re-charging time? We know electric vehicles save money and prevent air pollution, but for those who have never driven an EV before, knowing how long it can take to recharge the vehicle can be daunting. How long it takes to re-charge depends on two

Spring Break in Los Angeles
Spring break is around the corner and LA has tons of great things to do! Yelp’s Best Things to Do for Spring Break in Los Angeles, says the Immersive Van Gough exhibit is getting raves across the country! We also have the Skirball Cultural Center, Chinatown Nights, and the Getty is the perfect place to